Welcome to Villa&Riva

The excellence of integrated logistics

Villa & Riva is…

Y Youth
R Respect
T Tenacity
E Efficiency
A Awareneness
M Motivation
M Membership
A Action
T Trust
E Effective
We do better what everyone is already doing, and we don’t waste energy doing what should not be done at all.
We don't say how many kilometers our vehicles travel in a year, we don’t boast the number of pieces, boxes and pallets moved, we don’t value our strength through the square footage of our warehouses.
Every km not travelled is a result of our commitment and care for our planet. Every unused box is one more tree in our parks. 
For us, ‘doing’ means giving value and raison to be to our company.
We chose to be part of a corporate group specializing in the cosmetics, clothing and sports equipment market because we love to be a team player.
When was honey ever made form a single bee into a beehive?
image <em>When was honey ever made form</em> a single bee into a beehive?

Villa & Riva transport and logistics


Villa & Riva is a leading company in integrated logistics and goods transport, capable of solving any warehousing, storage, picking, packing and freight forwarding need. With us, all the management activities involved in an order, form import to customer care, are interconnected to offer a 360° service.


Villa & Riva is part of a V&R++ industrial group with proven experience, quality and professionalism, specializing in the formulation, filling and packaging of cosmetics, clothing and sport equipment.

From 0 km to 100 in economy

Strengthened by synergic collaboration with its partners, over the years Villa & Riva has increasingly focused on managing the cosmetics and sports markets, where it can now offer its customers a wide range of services, proposing «0 km to 100 in saving» solution entirely conceived, designed and manufactured in its own factories.
icona AereiBy sky
icona CamionEarthway
icona NaviSeaway

Villa&riva is also e-commerce

By optimizing outsourced logistics processed, it guarantees fast, precise and punctual order processing. The offer includes warehouse space, customized processing and shipping, qualified staff and customer service.
Scopri di piĆ¹

Sustainability in logistics processes

Sustainability in logistics processes is the result of careful management of the environmental, social and economic impacts that occur throughout the entire life cycle of products – form the receipt of raw materials to the return, reconditioning and recycling processes.
Villa & Riva actively strives every day to offer valuable support to the environment and process economy by channeling internal strength and potential into optimizing all phases of the supply chain.
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Villa & Riva is…
When was honey ever made form a single bee into a beehive?
Villa & Riva transport and logistics
Villa&riva is also e-commerce
Sustainability in logistics processes
Priority Re-Call