logistics services


Villa & Riva boasts a long experience in the cosmetics market, gained also thanks to the synergic collaboration with the other companies of the group. This market, which is particularly demanding in terms of the expedients and care to be taken in the storage and distribution phases, also requires packaging specially designed to preserve the integrity of the products, from production to delivery to the customer.
Villa & Riva is able to meet all the needs of companies operating in the cosmetics sector, accrediting itself as a partner of excellence, qualified and technologically advanced.

Services, in detail:

  • Collecting points of raw materials, bulk, packs and semi-finished products for unified QC at reserved areas at the customer’s disposal
  • Also customized packaging of products, kits and displays
  • Special packaging
  • Storage of raw materials, bulk, packs, semi-finished products
  • Transport of goods to points of sale and private customers
  • Management of e-commerce platforms
  • Support with multi-language customer service
  • Returns, reconditioning and/or disposal management
  • Third-party cosmetics formulation, filling, casting and pressing (V&R++)

All the advantages:

  • Process transparency. We have implemented procedures to ensure a continuous and clear flow of information between company departments and to/from our customers to reduce wasted time, inefficiency and waste
  • From 0km to 100 in saving. In synergy with the Group’s companies, we offer our customers an exclusive service, entirely conceived, designed and realized in our factories, with significant savings in effort, time and running costs
  • Reduction of packaging materials (Project GREEN BOX). We re implementing a packaging system for semi-finished products that does not involve the use of cardboard boxed until the goods are shipped to the end customer
  • Alignment, bunding and centralization of transports. Our traffic department works every day to offer an impeccable, fast and efficient service, optimizing every single internal (intra-deposit) and external (to/from customers suppliers) movement of goods 
  • Integrated e-commerce and customer service. We offer companies the opportunity to devote themselves entirely to excellence in their business, while we take care of our customers with the dedication and attention of a ‘good family man’.
Contact us for more information
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