Villa & Riva S.r.l.
Via Massimo D’Antona 28 23893 Cassago Brianza (LC) Italia Tel. +39 039 9215911 Fax +39 039 9211397
Do you want to work with us? Evaluate the open positions and apply!
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Welcome to the work with us section!

Please fill in the following form to establish a quick and direct contact between you and our company. We are constantly looking for enterprising, proactive employees with an aptitude for teamwork.
We like to give space and value to useful resources to stimulate internal professional growth and, at the same time, to increase the company’s position in the relevant markets.
Working with us means working in a young, dynamic and stimulating environment, where passion and aptitude for problem-solving are considered strategic factors. We will take your availability into account with a view to future recruitment.

Administration management

We are looking for experienced staff, capable of fully managing every administrative function within the company, from the documentation of accounting movements to tax and fiscal fulfilment, from drawing up the annual balance sheet to analyzing company finances. Candidate yourself


We are looking for warehouse workers for loading/unloading, stocking goods, picking and order preparation. Candidate yourself

Customer Service

We are looking for professionals with an excellent knowledge of languages (English, French, Spanish), with a strong problem-solving attitude, who are dynamic, empathetic and proactive, and who wish to exploit their skills in the use of multiple technological platforms (PCs, tablets, smartphones…) and the development of multimedia interaction (video live chat, text chat, call back..) Candidate yourself

E-commerce management

We are looking for people with experience in the field, to support in the management of online sales and the monitoring of sales and access to touch points, who can collect, systematize and process customer information. Candidate yourself
Send your application
Fill in the form to send your application. Then send us your CV by e-mail:
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