Storage and warehouse management

Integrated logistics

Managing a warehouse requires clear procedures, suitable tools and qualified staff; only in this way is possible to organize and carry out activities punctually and efficiently, without generating inefficiencies and delays. Villa &Riva has made integrated logistics its specialty, and therefore we are confident of being able to offer a highly qualified, flexible and scalable turnkey service, studied, designed and realized in-house to the customer’s specifications.

Logistics advantages in Villa&Riva

  1. Reduction of fixed costs (storage and personnel)
  2. Operational flexibility and service quality, regardless of fluctuations in production/sales volumes
  3. Reuctiion of transport costs through optimization of outward movements from a centralized warehouse
  4. Simplified access to ancillary services (import, order management, e-commerce, customer service, etc.)
  5. Specialized know-how to support businesses

The service, in datail

  1. Storage, staging, consolidation of goods and definition of strategic transshipment points. Periodic updating of sorting procedures for a constant strategic positioning of goods in the warehouse according to their rotation speed
  2. Mapping of storage areas using a system that can be interfaced with the main business management software
  3. Digital and paper document management, receipt, processing and tracking of orders, real-time data updates and revisions
  4. Stock management with FIFO/FEFO and LIFO/LEFO, returns, quarantine and expires products
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